Risk Assessment

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Activity Hazard Who Severity Likelihood Control
Access to and egress around the Centre Slips, trips, falls All Low → High Low Access and exit routes should be maintained in good condition; regular inspections made of all areas; all access areas to be kept clear at all times; high levels of staff supervision when students use the stairs; Appointed First Aider(s) available at the Centre
Access to and egress by bus/coach/car Road traffic accident – injury Students Low → High Low Students to be well supervised when embarking or disembarking the buses.
Activities led by a commercial provider Health & Safety All High Low Should a supervising adult not be entirely happy with an activity, they have a legal duty of care to intervene. The wishes of the supervising adult override that of the provider.
Activities led by a commercial provider Injury All Medium Low Students are to be closely supervised; Appointed First Aider(s) available at the Centre.
Activities led by a commercial provider Risk Assessment for
All High Low Responsibility for carrying out a risk assessment lies with the school and commercial provider; member of School staff responsible for activities MUST ensure that a risk assessment is in place.
Activities led by a commercial provider Supervision of students Students High Low Supervision is the responsibility of School staff.
Adult volunteers – use of Child protection Students High Low No volunteer will ever be left alone with a student
Alcohol & drugs Injury, poisoning, unsociable behaviour Students High Low Access to Alcohol will be prohibited to those under age. Drugs are not permitted.
Animals Allergy All High Low Staff at the Centre to be informed in advance of any staff/students with allergies to animals; these persons to have restricted access to animals that may trigger a response. Animal food does contain NUTS.
Animals Animal welfare Animals Low → High Low Animals are handled and treated in a humane manner; appropriate conditions and food is provided; record of animal inoculations kept.
Animals Health, hygiene, infection All Low → High Low Animals are maintained in good condition; accommodation is cleaned and disinfected regularly; animals must not be or become a hazard to health; animals are not allowed to wander unrestricted. Any cuts on exposed
skin to be covered before handling animals; disposable gloves provided when handling animals, if necessary; staff to be aware of latex allergies; hands to be washed thoroughly after completion of work; no material or contaminated fingers should be put into mouth.
Animals Phobias All Low Low The well is fitted with a grill to stop falls or access.Staff and students informed in advance of any staff/students with phobias to animals; these persons to have restricted access to animals that may trigger a response.
Absconding Students Injury, abduction Students Medium Low The Centre has perimeter fencing and gates. Staff should use high levels of supervision and know where students are at all times. Report any concerns to the Centre Manager immediately.
Activity Hazard Who Severity Likelihood Control
Bedrooms/Sleeping Inappropriate behaviour All Low Low Staff planning the trip should allocate students in sleeping arrangements according to gender; age, ability etc. 1st floor rooms should only occupied by those able to manage stairs. Staff should regularly check and supervise students.
Dining Room / Food Allergies, choking, burns, injury All Low Low Staff should advise the Centre in advance of any food allergies. Staff and students have no access to the main kitchen. Spills to be cleared immediately.
Discovery Zone Injury All Low Low The Zone is maintained in good condition, floors must not become blocked or obstructed. There is a locked Fridge in the Meeting Room for prescribed medicines.Staff and students to use the kitchen in a safe manner and to report any concerns.
Drinking water Health, hygiene, infection All Medium Low Drink bottled water.
Electrical equipment – use of Electric shock, electrical burns, electrocution All High Low All electrical equipment supplied at the Centre is tested and safe
Electrical equipment – use of Electric shock, electrical burns, electrocution All High Low All electrical equipment supplied at the Centre is tested and safe
Electrical equipment – use of Injury from trailing leads All Low → High Low Use of trailing leads MUST be kept to a minimum.
Fire & Emergency Evacuations Injury All High Low A fire alarm system is fitted. On hearing the alarm all persons should evacuate the area and assemble in the car park outside of the Discovery Zone. Staff to ensure all students are accounted for.
First aid Injury, accidents All High Low The Centre has trained 1st Aiders.
Health & Safety information Personal safety All Low Low Please see the Centre’s Health & Safety Leaflet.
Hoists Injury All Low Low Ensure that you read the operating instructions and use hoists in an appropriate manner. Report any issues.
Medicines – administration of General rules Students Low Low The Centre has no liability to the administration of medicines; this is the responsibility of school staff.
Pre-existing medical conditions and/or injuries Exacerbation All High Low Refer to the Centre’s Health & Safety leaflet for details of the nearest pharmacy, doctors and hospital.
Student(s) seriously ill or injured Assault, child protection, injury Students High Low Refer to the Centre’s Health & Safety leaflet for details of the nearest pharmacy, doctors and hospital.
Swimming Injury, drowning All High Low Students should be supervised by staff at all times. At least one member of staff should be a trained Lifeguard. No running around the pool area, no diving. Report any issues immediately.
Well Fall, drowning All Medium Low The well is fitted with a grill to stop falls or access.