Volunteers and friends

We all need a holiday, and people with special needs deserve one more than most.Here’s your opportunity to ensure that they get a great one by helping us create Europe’s first holiday centre to cater exclusively for them, their families and carers, in the beautiful Algarve.

We started this project in September 2010 and it soon begun apparent that this was goingvolunteers to need a lot of man power/ hours to create such a unique and special place. Labour is expensive and as a charity this costs was going to be enormous and we wondered how we were to cover this. One day somebody explained that there was various websites who advertise projects like ours and workers/helpers look through the various options then offer their free time in return for bed and board. Many of these workers are back packers taking a year out and have some fantastic skills or others who just want to escape the rat race or dullness of everyday life and do something good.

We were shocked with the response when our plea went out for helpers and there have been in excess of 250 volunteers from ALL over the world up to now. Some have helped for a day; some stayed at the centre for a week and some who have stayed for month’s even years. Without each and everyone one of these great people the centre would have never got off the ground.

We are always in need of builders, plasterers, painters and other skilled workers but also need people who are just willing to help.

We provide a clean bedroom with ensuite and good food so if you can spare some time and would like to help us here in the sunny Algarve then click here to become a volunteer.

As well as volunteers the 24×7 Special Needs Holiday Trust also need friends. Friends are other organisations, businesses or individuals who are not in a position to spend time here but can offer their skills or services to help assist, advise or offer equipment or skills that they feel we could use.  If you feel that you or your organisation/company could help then please click here to contact us.

Continued Support
We have so much planned for the Centre Algarve and could really do with some sponsorship to assist with certain areas. Any sponsorship would be acknowledged via a plaque explaining who the individual sponsor is. Please take a look at some of the options below and see if you could assist us with any of the following

Outside Play Area

  • – Sponsorship required for either equipment, safety flooring or fencing

Please click here to to donate play equipment for the outside play area.

Inside Soft Play Area

  • – Sponsorship required for materials to help construct the room

Please click here to to donate play equipment for the inside play area.

We are planning numerous raised and flat planting areas where children can be involved with planting picking and cultivating. Many of the plants also act as part of the sensory program being designed.

  • – Sponsorship required to help with construction, maintenance  and upkeep of individual planting areas

Please click here to to donate materials and inventory for the grounds

Main Discovery Centre.
This can act as a classroom/educational area, fun play room for dance, painting and other activities even a cinema in the evening.

  • – Sponsor required for various pieces of equipment

Please click here to to donate equipment

Pool Area
We have recently had a Jacuzzi donated and have a swimming pool. We are also planning a fun splash area

  • – Sponsorship regarding the upkeep of this fun area
  • – Sponsorship required to construct the new fun splash area

Please click here to to donate materials for the fun splash area

Picnic Area

  • – Sponsorship required for this area

Please click here to sponsor the picnic area

Themed Bedroom.
We would love to individually theme each bedroom to make them more fun and interesting.

  • – Sponsorship required to theme a bedroom

Please click here to sponsor a themed bedroom

If you would like more information regarding sponsoring any of these areas

please click here to contact us.